Sunday, December 14, 2008

We need a revolution in our Education Systems

We've all felt it. It has crossed all our minds. We thought it was us who were missing something--even when we played the good student and did all the work.

Sir Ken Robinson: Do schools kill creativity?

My favorite quote from this lecture: "If you are not prepared to be wrong, you'll never come up with anything original." So true. In fact, this is something I'd like to keep in mind in every research paper I write. There is the possibility that my hypothesis is incorrect, and I have to take it into consideration. Also, this is a good point he made, and our "grading system" or assessment needs to also reflect the idea that mistakes are often times how we learn best.

This also cross-references a point along really the same lines by what Milton Friedman says to his student at 3:36-3:55 in the following video about always considering the possibility that your analysis is wrong:

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